Saturday, May 31, 2014

Summer Camp Update


Here is an update on Summer Camp 2014 from the camp meeting May 28th.

They will be offering Scuba Diving again this year. Cost is $45.00.  You will need to fill out the Diving Medical form.  Med forms and money are due before we leave for camp.  Mr Everson will have the forms at the June 2nd troop meeting.

If you are taking Climbing Merit Badge or doing any of the COPE course work, you need to fill a Hold Harmless form.  Get your form at the June 2nd troop meeting.

Merit Badges will be a little bit different this year.  Just because you show up at the class doesn't mean you get signed off on all the requirements.  If there are prerequisites for a badge, you must get them done before getting to camp.  Also, if the requirement states you have to demonstrate an activity, then you will need to demonstrate that activity at camp.  So look at the packets you were handed at the last troop meeting and BE PREPARED!

There will be multiple activities in the evening hours.  Not just one activity each night.  So you will have to choose what activity you would like to do.  One of them will be a MAGIC TOURNEY!  Mr Everson is pretty sure there will be many scouts from the troop that want to participate in that event.

Wear your FULL Scout Uniform on Sunday (Shirt, Pants, Neckerchief) when we leave to go to camp.  Our troop photo will be taken when we get to camp.  Wear your swimming gear underneath as we will take our Swimmer's test that same afternoon.

Our checkin time at camp is 2:15pm.  So arrive at Faith at 12:30pm on Sunday July 20th with all your gear so we can load up the trailer and head out by 1:30pm

We are staying in BEAR campsite with Troop 54.  This is the same campsite we were in last year.

Dan Dombroskie is this year's Program Director.  He has promised to stir things up a bit at camp this year.

ALL ADULTS that will be staying overnight at camp need a medical form ( Parts A, B and C) completed.  You can get a fillable PDF form off website.

ALL YOUTH need their medical form too.  Part C has to be signed by a doctor. So make an appt if necessary.

Any questions, see Mr. Everson

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