Monday, August 25, 2014

2015 Klondike Derby

There is a sign up that was sent out for the 2015 Klondike Derby.
The scouts are invited to attend this freezing cold event!
Note the change in date - it is happening at the end of January - NOT in February which is when it is normally held.
We will need to decide where we want to hold the Klondike Prep event - which will be the weekend of Janury 9-10 - we could head out to camp K instead of going to the church to camp out and rent a cabin.

2015 Klondike Derby

Date: January 30th at 4:00pm to January 31st 5:00pm

January 30th-Meet at Faith Lutheran Church, travel to Buffalo Valley Sportsman Club in Mifflinburg, PA - Setup Camp/Dinner/Snack
January 31st-Breakfast - Provided by the Troop -
Begin Klondike Derby - Lunch provided by Buffalo Sportman's Club - $5.50/person - Finish Klondike Derby - Tear Down Camp - Head back to Faith Lutheran Church

Cost - $20.00 which includes the fee for Klondike ($9.00), Lunch ($5.50), and the rest for dinner/snack/breakfast.
This is the annual Klondike Derby event by Seven Bridges Council.

More information to be handed out at troop meetings.  All money must be paid by January 5th Troop meeting to attend the event. Registration is due in Williamsport on January 9th.
Any questions, See Mr. Everson!

Winter Joke:
Q:How do Snowmen get to work?

Sign-Up Now!

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